Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ripples in a Pool - Fifth Ring

Five Golden Rings!!!!

Prompt #5 (December 5th) - Let Go:

 Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? 

Arrgh. This one is really hard, possibly because I didn't really let go of anything--which I believe is where a lot of my problems stem from. I suppose I could say that I let go of my anger all the time. One can get worked up so easy about nonsense really (and many times very legitimate anger) and then you have to let it go because you are not five or in high school anymore.  The main problem is that when you give it up, you end up picking it up again, like an old sock, or a thick book you keep saying you'll get through one day. 

I think I need to work on this one. :)

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