Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ripples in a Pool - Eleventh Ring

Eleven Pipers Piping...

Prompt #11
December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

Eleven? That's one more than a top ten list, which is hard enough as it is (I feel like I'm coming across as a monocle popping nobleman, ruffled that the simplest lapse in decor). Okay, eleven things. 

1. Borrowed books: This could technically count as eleven things all on its own, but I'll be good and count it as one. Basically I need to go through my borrowed books and either read them or give them back. The advantage of doing this is freeing up space and reading a bunch of good books.
2. Old clothes: I have a bunch of old clothes in the closet that I frankly need to get rid of so I can store other things there. Just a matter of getting a Saturday to do it.
3. Notebooks: I started a project last year to type of the 15 years of notes/scribbles I have collected over the year. It is taking a long time, but I hope to be more focused on writing next year, thus getting these notebooks into digital format.
4. The records under the bed:They are the classic records that My Grandfather listened to, so I need to get them digitized and loaded onto my ipod. I started this project, but it is a lot of work. Something to work on in 2011.
5. Dead pens: We have a lot of dead pens in the condo. I really need to systemically identify them and get rid of them instead of my finding five of them when I'm looking for a pen to write down a message.
6. Video games: I have a sizeable stack of games for the PS3 and Wii that need to be either gotten rid of or played to completion.
7. War and Peace Board game: I have owned this game since I was fifteen. It seems really cool, but I don't think I will be able to convince anyone to play it with me more than once. I need to plan a guy's weekend and play it through, then send it off to greener pastures.
8. Five pounds: I need to get back on the exercise wagon. Thanks to my wife I have been eating pretty well and so I have gained a lot of weight. It would shed off pretty quick once I started exercising regularly.
9. Stuff under my bed: I believe random junk has accumulated under my bed that needs to be sorted and cleared out. I seem to do this every couple of years. It must be some sort of gravitational vortex.
10. Old work files: My office is suffering for junk piling up. I really need to do a purge before going on holidays.
11. Baby Toys: Baby Z has outgrown a bunch of her toys. We need to get rid of these toys before they overwhelms us. :)

I can't believe I got eleven things! Huzzah. Now getting them all clear away will be the challenge. It seems like a 21st problem that one accumulates stuff. I would say I should streamline, but then a bunch of people will lose their jobs if people aren't buying this stuff. This is why economics can be annoying. :)

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