Saturday, June 29, 2013

Superman man of steel

It has been a couple of days, almost two weeks actually, since I saw the new Superman: Man of Steel. It is a grimmer take on Superman, which has resulted in a harsh battle on the Internet about whether this film was a betrayal of the ideal of the comic and the ideal of Superman. The internet has been quite harsh and acidic enough that it gave me pause before deciding my final thoughts.

Overall, I enjoyed the experience of the movie. It was visual stunning and asked some interesting questions. Not directly, but in a subtle way. The movie interacts with the superman mythos as well as the world we live in. The emotional reaction pushes me to why I am reacting.

There is a lot of idealism in the movie, or rather conflicting ideals. What was interesting was that Superman had to navigate these ideals and some times he failed and other times he soared above. What impressed me the most is that some of the choices didn't have a perfect solution, just the least worse option.

There is also matter of restraint. That fixing everything us not straight forward or necessarily desirable.

Technically beautiful and probably the best superhero fist fight I have seen in film. Also a lot of solid acting.

At the end of day, Superman is a culture icon that when anyone makes a movie, comic, book etc. Its about cultures clashes and this is where you asks questions. If the movie makes you angry , you should take a step and decide why you are anger, and what that says about you.

Apart from entertainment, what more you can want from a film?

Sunday, June 16, 2013


It is weird to go to the science centre so much now. I wasn't raise in Toronto so the science centre, like the zoo, is a far away attraction that you went to once as a field trip. Now it is a short drive or bus ride away. Plus it is not that pricey when you get a membership.
The exhibits change so slowly, but it is interesting to see them repaired. When you go once you assume the place is falling apart, when it reality it is in a state of slow repair.
As an older person, you wonder if the building is perhaps not properly designed for its function. There is a lot of empty space which is unused. I am not sure if it is an sign of a grandeur plan for the site or actual bad designed.
Still, it is a fun place and speaks to the ideas of Science! The idea of exploring and working to understand the work.
It is also impressive that how the staff entertains the hordes of children that descend on them. In their white coats they work hard to entertain and inform. I wonder how successful they are.
I fund myself inspired to learn more but that is not a hard thing to do.
I am glad that I can take my daughter to such a place. Even if the food is pricey.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Head Space

Another month has passed, I am no Samuel Pepys.

I have had a lot in my head recently. Which I realize is not that big revelation to anyone who knows me as I am a brain oriented kind of guy. That said, there has been a bunch of social stuff going on (go check out my game blog) as well, so i haven't been a hermit.

What's going on upstairs? Nothing super productive.

1. Strip Search is winding up with the two episode finale starting next Friday. As I previously menitioned, this show has touched me in a way I never thought a reality show would ever be able to do. The manufactured drama was low in the web series which probably kept me from tuning out. The main draw fro me is that it was about drawing comics. It has inspired me to draw which I had let lapse for the past couple of years. Watching the prelude to the finale (aptly title "A kick in the pants") really spoke to me that I should just do my comic and get it out there. My great hope is that the inspiration from it gets me going. You heard it first, webcomic to come. :)

2. Reading. I have had a bad habit recently of watching a lot of instructional you tube videos. It has the illusion of being productive. I don't know if it is the increase in sunlight of summer, or if my brain has become bored and had its full and wants something new or "harder", but I find myself you tube weary.  And so, I have moved back to proper reading (well beyond the newspaper, but you can only read political scandals for so long then you realize you need to step away). My first book was a bit of a disappointment (book club book), but I am now working on a couple of volumes and it's weird how your brain switches when you go from passive watching to active reading. Hopefully for the better.

3. Moving - I am switching floors at my office and I have to say that my dislike of moving has not changed. A nightmare of going through one's workplace to see all the trinkets you have accumulated to try and give you're office a comforting feel. The silver lining is that I am moving to a window office and can enjoy more sun. Although I will see a lot more of the parking lot. :)

4. Visiting friends. Finally saw my friends in London and see their wonderfully renovated house and more importantly hangout. Although we did see a horrible movie (Safe Haven...Avoid!!!)

After all of this I have been in a bit of a torpor. I have been very uncreative. I hope to shake it off this weekend. Need to get some sun, exercise and good food.

I think I might try to do some more themed blogs, or research quick posting. Maybe I can do it through twitter or something. I do have a cool smart phone (muhahah)

All right. That's it for now.