Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bike trail madness

Okay, this will be a short one, probably more worthy of tweet than a blog entry (I really need to get my head around Twitter. Although I feel that it will prove I'm not as witty as I think I am. A function that this blog is already fulfilling at a higher word count).

This past weekend I rode up to work on my bike. Other than confirming I need to exercise more, I also discovered the piece meal nature of our bike trails in Toronto. I had to back track three times because the trail either ended for no apparent reason or the section was clearly noted as being "not for bicycles".

Honestly, if linking up these trails would get me off the road and peddling to work. If you love cars, isn't that what you want? More bikers on dedicated trails would mean emptier roads ( well for three seasons of the year I guess). Actually I was struck by the thought that maybe we should have more dedicated bike trails and freeways around the city as long as it supports large pedestrian only zones. By the time I got to work i was going old school (as my old school was in urban planning).

This all ended when I remembered I lived in Toronto where we don't plan any transit, let alone a multi channel one. It reminded me I should be thankful for any trails that keep me off the busy streets. Hope springs eternal that I will be proven wrong.

At least I got a good morning and afternoon of exercising. Plus the Toronto ravine park system is quite pretty, even in early spring. A perfect place to people watch as well. So in the scales of my life, the day was a good one.



  1. Adding to the beauty and detial of the dreamcycle,the brown saddle and grips are embossed whith hiniscus graphics,giving it a fun and elegant touch Comfort Bikes.

  2. That's kind of a bummer, but pretty much like where I live. I got around it by driving part of my commute and riding the rest - I keep a bike that folds in my car. I would prefer to ride the whole way, obviously, but in the absence of a safe place to do that, it's the best I can do.
